Clarence White is a writer, typewriter poet, curator, arts administrator, ice skating instructor and a former bookseller at the Hungry Mind Bookstore. His publications are included in several editions of the Saint Paul Almanac, Suisun Valley Review, The Cortland Review, Poetry in the Windows (Lake Street, Minneapolis), Barstow & Grand, and Public Art Review, and Mountain Bluebird Magazine (forthcoming). His essay “Smart Enough for Ford'' appears in Blues Vision: African American Writing from Minnesota. He works in essay when he believes that conversation is possible and in poetry when he is less hopeful. He was co-curator of the 2016 and 2017 Banfill-Locke Reading Series and Silverwood Park’s 2014 Art on Foot. He is a past Givens Foundation Retreat Fellow, a recent alum of the Loft Mentors Series, and was a finalist for mnartists.org’s flash fiction contest miniStories. He is Associate Director of East Side Freedom Library and lives in Saint Paul.