Douglas Kearney has published seven collections, including Sho (Wave Books, 2021), a National Book Award finalist and winner of the 2021 MN Book Award in poetry; the award-winning poetry collection Buck Studies (Fence Books, 2016); libretti Someone Took They Tongues (Subito, 2016); and criticism Mess and Mess and (Noemi Press, 2015). WIRE Magazine calls Fodder, a live album featuring Kearney and frequent collaborator Val-Inc., “Brilliant.” Douglas Kearney is the 2021 recipient of OPERA America’s Campbell Opera Librettist Prize, created and generously funded by librettist/lyricist Mark Campbell and co-librettist of Sweet Land, the Music Critics of North America’s Best Opera of 2021. Kearney is a Whiting Writer’s and Foundation for Contemporary Arts Cy Twombly awardee with residencies/fellowships from Cave Canem, The Rauschenberg Foundation, a 2022 Loft-McKnight fellowship and others. Kearney is a McKnight Presidential Fellow and associate professor of creative writing/English at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. Born in Brooklyn, raised in Altadena, CA, he lives in Saint Paul with his family.