Pamela R. Fletcher Bush is CEO and publisher of Arcata Press | Saint Paul Almanac and professor emerita of English (Saint Catherine University, St. Paul, Minnesota). She is a widely published writer in various genres and has won literary awards and fellowships for creative nonfiction, arts criticism, and poetry (Loft Literary Center, Minnesota State Arts Board, Pan African Literary Forum at the New School, Saint Catherine University, among others). She’s also an editor, whose works include Rondo Children’s Book Series, Joey and Grandpa Johnson’s Day in Rondo and Mr. Rondo’s Spirit (In Black Ink); Blues Vision: African American Writing from Minnesota (Minnesota Historical Society Press); The Way We See It: A Fresh Look at Vision Loss (Arcata Press); The Saint Paul Almanac (Arcata Press); and, Transforming a Rape Culture (Milkweed Editions). Fletcher Bush has lectured in Oxford, England; Accra, Ghana; Mexico; and Toronto, Canada.