Writer to Writer with Mélina Mangal and Sarah Warren

  Join children's authors Mélina Mangal and Sarah Warren in an online conversation about why they write for children, how their biracial backgrounds influence their work, and the challenges and...

Songs for Our Fathers: Writing Workshops

Highland Park Library 1974 Ford Parkway, Saint Paul, MN, United States

Please RSVP by email to: wendy@thefriends.org (please specify which workshop you will be attending)

EMBRACING OUR ROOTS: ROOTED AND RISING- A conversation with Dr. Yolanda Williams & PaviElle French

2106 S 4th St Minneapolis, MN 55455 2106 S 4th St, Minneapolis, MN, United States

*This is an in-person event* Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/embracing-our-roots-rooted-and-rising-a-conversation-with-dr-yolanda-will-tickets-958655222577?aff=oddtdtcreator Panelist bios: Rev. Yolanda Y. Williams, Ph.D., is a performer, educator, scholar, and pastor. Yolanda performed soprano and mezzo-soprano repertoire with Vocalessence,...